Random list place in column order.



Hi Everyone

I have a list, A3:I25 that you can select items. The selection is done with
a CheckBox at each items. I would like the items selected to be listed in
column order below the list,ex:A30,31,32 etc.Can you help me, I am not very
good with functions or macro.


One play to try .. something along the lines
illustrated in this sample:
Extract checkbox selections into col.xls

Assume 6 source items are listed in A3:B5, viz:

Item1 Item4
Item2 Item5
Item3 Item6

6 checkboxes are drawn from control toolbox,
with corresponding link cells in E3:F5
(these are set in Properties view.
In design mode, right-click on checkbox > choose Properties)

In E10:

In F10:

In G10:
Select E10:G10, copy down to G15

Then in A10, copied down to A15:

CF is applied to results range A10:A15 using formula is: =A10="",
formatted accordingly to mask with white font/borderless


I just sent another Request titled " Retrieving data from one form to
another "
Thinking that this request was not clear, please ignore the second request.
Thank you for your reply I will try it and let you know if I can make it
Thanks Again


Hi Again
Just to say It works, Thank you Max

John said:
I just sent another Request titled " Retrieving data from one form to
another "
Thinking that this request was not clear, please ignore the second
Thank you for your reply I will try it and let you know if I can make it
Thanks Again

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