Rage and Protest against Printers as "throw away" consumables


Derrick Fawsitt

Having had trouble with a Hewlett Packard Ink jet Printer only to
exchange it for an Epson, the first two of which I had to return with
problems. Settling down to use the third, (or was it the second), and
having just bought about what seemed Fifty Pounds worth of Cartridges, I
was happily printing a few A4 pages. Suddenly the paper jammed and I did
what everyone does, gently freeded it and on starting it up it spewed
out one page. However, when I try to print anything, it says its jammed,
which it isn't, and wont load a page.

I got on to Epson help, (that'll be the day), who went through various
tests by remote with my help to no avail. They found that I was just out
of warranty and that if I brought it to their express repair service,
provided it did not need more than a half hour it might be possible to
fix it. If more than a half hour it would be better to buy a new one.
I have since found out that when the paper jammed it threw the print
head out of alignment and it cannot be fixed for less than One Hundred
Pounds as the head is "firmly attached to the body", or words to that

Needless to say I am fuming against this society of ours which saves
paper, bottles etc., yet is quite willing to throw out a virtually new
printer with un-used cartridges. Apart from being out of pocket for the
ink I wasted, I am fuming against a company that makes a machine that
can so easily damage a vital component which in turn cannot be replaced

I have now been advised to buy a Cannon, I may do so but I have to say
if I had a real Cannon just now in my present mood, regretfully I might
be tempted to use it.
My case rests.....

David Candy

Come to Australia. It will have a 12 month warranty minimun, not several hours.


-----Original Message-----
Having had trouble with a Hewlett Packard Ink jet Printer only to
exchange it for an Epson, the first two of which I had to return with
problems. Settling down to use the third, (or was it the second), and
having just bought about what seemed Fifty Pounds worth of Cartridges, I
was happily printing a few A4 pages. Suddenly the paper jammed and I did
what everyone does, gently freeded it and on starting it up it spewed
out one page. However, when I try to print anything, it says its jammed,
which it isn't, and wont load a page.

I got on to Epson help, (that'll be the day), who went through various
tests by remote with my help to no avail. They found that I was just out
of warranty and that if I brought it to their express repair service,
provided it did not need more than a half hour it might be possible to
fix it. If more than a half hour it would be better to buy a new one.
I have since found out that when the paper jammed it threw the print
head out of alignment and it cannot be fixed for less than One Hundred
Pounds as the head is "firmly attached to the body", or words to that

Needless to say I am fuming against this society of ours which saves
paper, bottles etc., yet is quite willing to throw out a virtually new
printer with un-used cartridges. Apart from being out of pocket for the
ink I wasted, I am fuming against a company that makes a machine that
can so easily damage a vital component which in turn cannot be replaced

I have now been advised to buy a Cannon, I may do so but I have to say
if I had a real Cannon just now in my present mood, regretfully I might
be tempted to use it.
My case rests.....
Thanks Derrick, I needed that. Hope it helped you, but if
not, perhaps knowing that you have sympathy and are
causing laughter abroad can help. Tis the season.

Blow a printer away today; one shot "the head is firmly
attached to the body". I love it. Oh to be in Britain
floating in barrels of bitter. If you see a fellow called
William O'Brien give him my best, whoever I am.



Consumer printers are indeed a throwaway item, their cost being supported by
the price of the ink carts.
Much like mobile phones. If the current OFT & EU investigations into ink
cart. pricing succeeds you are likely to see an increase in the cost of the
hardware & reduction in supplies cost.
Personally I've used HP printers for 10+ yrs, am now on my 2nd

Derrick Fawsitt

Will said:
Thanks Derrick, I needed that. Hope it helped you, but if
not, perhaps knowing that you have sympathy and are
causing laughter abroad can help. Tis the season.
It did and I enjoyed your response.
Blow a printer away today; one shot "the head is firmly
attached to the body". I love it. Oh to be in Britain
floating in barrels of bitter. If you see a fellow called
William O'Brien give him my best, whoever I am.
Sounds Irish, (at least the name), like myself, (sorry meself), ;-))
Have a nice Christmas Will, mine will be "Cannons to the right of them,
Cannons to the left of them....), sorry, could not resist it.


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