QWEST - A Fix For QWEST Popup Password Boxes



I have finally figured out the fix to stop those pesky repeating Qwest Enter
Password boxes - at least for people with more than one email account. First
though, the reason why they happen:

Last year Qwest introduced an Anti-Spam Measure to stop unscrupulous people
from using their outgoing mail server to send tons of bulk email spam
messages. This entailed that you first check to RECEIVE incoming mail so it
will identify you to their system as a bona fide user and then automatically
allow you to use the outgoing mail server. This is fine so far, but the tech
I spoke to told me that to ensure that nobody bypassed their system, a new
password check would kick in after 20 minutes use. This was to ensure that
bulk email users weren't bypassing the system for their naughty deeds.

So, if you only have QWEST as your ISP your incoming email will work fine
but your outgoing email may need to be confirmed every 20 minutes or so -
hence those popup password boxes. This is a QWEST thing...not Outlook.

However, if like me, you have a QWEST account that you need to check as well
as your main account from another ISP or domain, then I have a fix for that.
You need to STOP the QWEST account checking to SEND OUT mail. You don't need
to use QWEST to send out mail as your main email account can do that for you.
You only need to send out from one place, right?

In Outlook 2003 got to (CTRL + ALT + S) TOOLS >>> SEND/RECEIVE >>>

Click on ALL ACCOUNTS then EDIT. On the left side you will see your accounts
you have set up. Choose the one associated with QWEST and UNCHECK SEND MAIL
ITEMS. Then OK, and OK and go back to Outlook. This will now stop Qwest from
even trying to send mail out when using that account. It effectively becomes
a RECEIVE MAIL account only and therefore will not bother you with a popup
password box again. Ain't life grand?

If you use QWEST solely for incoming and outgoing email, I fear you may be
stuck with that password box every 20 minutes.

Hopefully this has helped at least someone with the Qwest problem.


David Roberts

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

I'd still like to see logs from someone that has this problem. Could you
turn on diagnostic logging (see
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q300479) and post
the OPMLog.log file (preferably as an attachment) after it happens?

If you check the "login to incoming server before sending" box (which it
sounds like you need to do for Qwest) Outlook should only go 2 minutes
before re-logging into the incoming server when you're sending. So the 20
minute re-login thing doesn't make sense to me.

Also, someone ought to tell Qwest to get a modern SMTP server (like one made
since about 1998) that supports the SMTP AUTH command, so you don't have to
do the silly "log into your POP3 server" thing in order to send mail. There
are *much* better ways to do this than the one they appear to have picked.

David Roberts

Jeff. Thanks for the reply.

Yes, you are right that Qwest seem to be behind the
times. I spoke to them last year and at least got this
info - which is better than nothing and does give some
sort of insight into what they are doing...or not doing.
However, what one tech tells you might be a right bunch
of bull and not necessarily true.

My "fix" is only good if you have a second mailbox from a
different ISP. If you are "all Qwest" then the problem
doesn't go away.

The frequency of the password box popping up again does
seem to be about right with this theory.

Per your request, I have switched on Outlook Logging and
will send you back a file for your perusal. Hopefully it
will help.

Thanks again.

David Roberts

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