Quick launch taskbar will not show on start up



Just lately my quick launch taskbar does not appear on startup. To get it to show up I need to right click the taskbar, then click quick launch, then click lock the taskbar. This must be done each time I restart the computer or turn it on. This just started to happen, I have using XP Pro for sometime now. Thanks for any help.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

TaskBar Repair Tool

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Just lately my quick launch taskbar does not appear on startup. To get it to show up I need to right click
the taskbar, then click quick launch, then click lock the taskbar. This must be done each time I restart the
computer or turn it on. This just started to happen, I have using XP Pro for sometime now. Thanks for any

Dan Oetzel

I recently enountered the exact same thing in the last two
weeks right after several security patches were posted on
the Windows Update site and I installed them. I have
additional toolbars in my taskbar in addition to the Quick
Launch toolbar. They all disappear after this problem is

From my testing, it appears that if I do certain things on
my computer like installing/uninstalling or clearing
cache, Windows forgets who I am and several things stop
working. After that point, the toolbars are gone when you

Other symptoms this problem has occurred BEFORE reboot and
the toolbars disappear:
- Cannot open any "list" views off the Start button (e.g.,
My Documents and My Recent Documents won't do anything)
- Recently used file list area is black directly above
Start button.
- Cannot move icons within my toolbars on the taskbar.
- Emptying recycle bin doesn't work normally.

I'm curious if others have encountered the same symptoms.
Does Microsoft ever monitor these newsgroups?

-----Original Message-----
TaskBar Repair Tool

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!

---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

news:2F253418-38C0-48CE-9E1D- (e-mail address removed)...

| Just lately my quick launch taskbar does not appear on
startup. To get it to show up I need to right click
the taskbar, then click quick launch, then click lock the
taskbar. This must be done each time I restart the
computer or turn it on. This just started to happen, I
have using XP Pro for sometime now. Thanks for any


Quick Launch: Gives error message, Cannot Create Toolbar

Either download the .reg or .vbs from here or run my utility listed below it
to correct.
Note: If you already have my utility downloaded, you will need to
re-download for the added fix.

Cannot Create Toolbar - Quick Launch (Line 296)

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus! Quick Launch - Repair

Quick Launch: Won't remain checked/present nor retains the sort order

Either check your settings here:

Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.

In the right pane under Userinit, Change the key to read:

Or download and run the reg file on line 263 (right hand side)


To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

To use the VBS Files: Download .vbs file and save it to your hard drive (you
may want to right click and use Save Target As). Double click the vbs
file. You will be prompted when the script is done.



You have many issues going on here and they do not sound update related.


Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!

Dan Oetzel said:
I recently enountered the exact same thing in the last two
weeks right after several security patches were posted on
the Windows Update site and I installed them. I have
additional toolbars in my taskbar in addition to the Quick
Launch toolbar. They all disappear after this problem is

From my testing, it appears that if I do certain things on
my computer like installing/uninstalling or clearing
cache, Windows forgets who I am and several things stop
working. After that point, the toolbars are gone when you

Other symptoms this problem has occurred BEFORE reboot and
the toolbars disappear:
- Cannot open any "list" views off the Start button (e.g.,
My Documents and My Recent Documents won't do anything)
- Recently used file list area is black directly above
Start button.
- Cannot move icons within my toolbars on the taskbar.
- Emptying recycle bin doesn't work normally.

I'm curious if others have encountered the same symptoms.
Does Microsoft ever monitor these newsgroups?

-----Original Message-----
TaskBar Repair Tool

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Kelly Theriot]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!

---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

news:2F253418-38C0-48CE-9E1D- (e-mail address removed)...

| Just lately my quick launch taskbar does not appear on
startup. To get it to show up I need to right click
the taskbar, then click quick launch, then click lock the
taskbar. This must be done each time I restart the
computer or turn it on. This just started to happen, I
have using XP Pro for sometime now. Thanks for any

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