Question: Regarding Lookups



Why won't Lookup recognize C3 x 4.1 when the cell im looking it up in has...
C3 x 4.1 exactly?
also in that column are 2 x 4, 2 x 2 x .125, and many more, but Lookup() can
'lookup' these cells.

can anyone offer an explanation? or a method of fixing this?


T. Valko

C3 x 4.1

Is that the literal TEXT string C3 x 4.1 or does that mean cell C3 times

If you're using the LOOKUP( ) function then the lookup_vector *must* be
sorted in ascending order otherwise there's no telling what result you may

You can probably use the VLOOKUP( ) and set the range_lookup argument to 0
or FALSE to find exact matches only.

Dave Peterson

You have an active thread elsewhere.
Why won't Lookup recognize C3 x 4.1 when the cell im looking it up in has...
C3 x 4.1 exactly?
also in that column are 2 x 4, 2 x 2 x .125, and many more, but Lookup() can
'lookup' these cells.

can anyone offer an explanation? or a method of fixing this?



yes, that is the literal text.
- "C3 x 4.1"

I've tried using the Match() function, with the match_type = 0, but it still
doesnt work. for cells with "10 x 2 x .125" it will find "10 x 2" and return
the value corresponding to that one.


thanks. . i know.

i've changed it to a VLOOKUP() formula, but i've come across 2 problems.
1 my info that im looking up in on the left side of the description, and as
far as i know, vlookup always looks on column A (or the left side)


Item Description
1 C3 x 4.1
2 C4 x 6.2
3 2 x 4
4 2 x 2 x .125

i want to return the item number, using the description. it can't be the
other way around because i have the description in a dropdown list - ppl wont
know what steel it is by the item number.

2 im stil getting a #N/A error, which doesnt make sense, because the
dropdown list has its descriptions copied into it from the sheet im trying to
compare it to. so they should be exactly the same.


Elementary question - are you enclosing your lookup values in quotes?

How about posting your actual formula(s).


With your dropdown list in C1, try something like this:


Dave Peterson

My message was more of a warning to potential posters. Since you made multiple
posts to various newsgroups, you may already have your answer--or at least
similar responses.

I was warning them that they may be wasting their time.


I should have picked up on that, but that would mean reading the entire
thread before opening my mouth, which I guess doesn't happen too often.<bg>

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