Question regarding Access



Is Microsoft Access capable of performing such actions as these?

1. Clients name (first, middle, last)
2. Clients social security number and birthday
3. Client mobile phone number and email address
4. Photograph of client
5. Emergency contact name, phone and address
6. Client Status(Active, Inactive, Suspended), Entry Date, Exit Date.
7. Medications Client is taking
8. Base Rent Rate
9. Rent Schedule (7 days, 14 days or Monthly. where it will automatically
charge the base rent rate on the same day of the following week, two weeks or
on the 3rd of every month and calculate the balance due)
10. Rent Due Date(That will auto adjust the date due according to rent
11. Rent Owed
12. Rent Paid
13. Rent Balance(if balance is positive/negative for period of rent due
date, it will reflect in the following rent scheduled due dates rent owed in
red highlight)
14. deposit owed, deposit paid
15. Pending background check/background check completed?
16. a notes/comments section

If possible, can someone point me to where I can learn to create an Access
template to perform such actions? Thank you for your time.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Access can easily handle your requirements, but as there is no answer yet, I
suspect that no one knows of an existing application that will handle your
needs. Writing such an application is possible, but far beyond the scope of
what we can do in this newsgroup. I suggest you read a few books, starting
with "Database Design for Mere Mortals" by Michael J. Hernandez, and come
back here with specific questions to specific problems.

Joseph Meehan

PrimaLucci said:
Is Microsoft Access capable of performing such actions as these?

1. Clients name (first, middle, last)
2. Clients social security number and birthday
3. Client mobile phone number and email address
4. Photograph of client
5. Emergency contact name, phone and address
6. Client Status(Active, Inactive, Suspended), Entry Date, Exit Date.
7. Medications Client is taking
8. Base Rent Rate
9. Rent Schedule (7 days, 14 days or Monthly. where it will
automatically charge the base rent rate on the same day of the
following week, two weeks or on the 3rd of every month and calculate
the balance due)
10. Rent Due Date(That will auto adjust the date due according to rent
11. Rent Owed
12. Rent Paid
13. Rent Balance(if balance is positive/negative for period of rent
due date, it will reflect in the following rent scheduled due dates
rent owed in red highlight)
14. deposit owed, deposit paid
15. Pending background check/background check completed?
16. a notes/comments section

If possible, can someone point me to where I can learn to create an
Access template to perform such actions? Thank you for your time.

Access can do all that. Access does have a steep learning curve.
Access has many features and there are many ways of doing many of the things
you want.

You have a long trip ahead of you to get where you want to go. Access
is not designed for a quick and easy startup by a new user. It is a
professional tool.

If you are still with me, congratulations! Access comes with the
"Northwind" database. It is designed to show you many of the features of
Access and how to use them. That would be a good way to start. You also
may want to check locally and see if anyone has courses on Access in your
area. There are also some good books out there.

Once you get started on your project, come on back when you get stuck
(you will, we all do) and we will try to offer some help.

Oh yea, if you google for "Microsoft Access" and rent or maybe check the
Microsoft web site, you may find some templates that will help, but plan on
making changes to them to fit your needs.

Good Luck.

missinglinq via

Also note that while you say "perform all these actions" your list on the
whole is not a list of actions but rather of data to be stored.

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