Question: Referencing Formview label when no data is present


VB Programmer

I have a FormView control, "fvDeposits", which has 1 databound label in it,
called "MyTotal". If the label is blank/no data this line of code gets the
error "Run-time exception thrown : System.ArgumentNullException - Object
cannot be null"

CType(CType(Me.fvDeposits.FindControl("MyTotal"), Label).Text, Decimal)

Any ideas how I can get around this?


Brian Williams

You can't convert null to decimal; you need to check for null first. I don't
know what the VB.Net code should look like, but in C# you could do this.

Label myLabel = (Label) fvDeposits.FinControl("MyTotal");

Decimal myDecimal;

myDecimal = myLabel.Text == null ? Decimal.MinValue : (Decimal)

or you can do:

Label myLabel = (Label) fvDeposits.FinControl("MyTotal");

Decimal myDecimal;



myDecimal = (Decimal) myLabel.Text;




myDecimal = Decimal.MinValue;



Brian K. Williams

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