question on automatic startup of a program



Hi everybody,

I would like to automatically start an Excel worksheet when my PC is
switched on, this worksheet containing a macro that is designed to send
mails via Outlook.

Now, my computer, although quite stable, takes an awful lot ot time to
start. It takes approx 4 minutes before everything "settles".

Should I put the Excel command in the startup folder ? How to launch Excel
once everything else is ready to operate ?

many thanks in advance for your kind help.
wuith brgds,


Dear Daniel,

Probably you should write a little VB script to launch your Excel. I
would put 2 simple commands in the script.
1. A deleay or "sleep" command for 4 minutes.
Wscript.Sleep(1440000) in miliseconds. :)
2. A run command using Wscript.Shell to launch excel

Set the script to "run when computer starts" using the "Sheduled
Tasks" in control panel.

Is your script resource!

Hope that helps.

The while-you-were-out message program you have been looking for!


Thank you so much, CreateWindow, for your time and help. I do appreciate.
I will try what you suggest.
tks again and best regards.

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