querying a query



Basicly the query below tells me all empolyees scheduled to work on
11/01/2004. What I want to know is if any of those employees StartTime or
EndTime falls between and other employees StartTime and EndTime. If it does
then I need to change a color of a textbox to yellow.

Thanks for any help you may have.

Sub testing()
Dim db As Database, strSQL As String
Dim qdf As QueryDef, rst As Recordset

strSQL = "SELECT Main.Employees, Format(Main.C_StartTimes, 'h:nn A/P') AS
StartTime, " _
& "Format(Main.C_EndTimes,'h:nn A/P') AS EndTime, Main.Date,
Main.Clients " _
& "FROM Main WHERE (((Main.Date)=#11/01/2004#) AND
((Main.Clients)= 'Barbara C'))" _
& "ORDER BY Main.C_StartTimes;"

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset

End Sub


You need to do this within the form/report containing the text box, probably
on the OnCurrent / Onformat events. To look up the start / end times of
other employees, have a look at the dcount / dlookup functions, or consider
a recordsetclone.

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