QUERY - Search table for record




I have a query that searches a table for a record. It's working, but I
would like to refine it a bit.

When I search on XYZ ELECTRONICS, I find the record I am looking for. I
want to be able to type XYZ and find the same record. How would I do that?

On my query, I have under VENDORNAME
Criteria: [Enter Vendor Name:]
which is how I enter the parameters to search the table on. If you answer
my question with code...PLEASE tell me where to put it...as I am very much a
novice with Access.


Clifford Bass


You will want to use the Like operator. Change your criteria to:

Like "*" & [Enter Vendor Name:] & "*"

That should find anything that contains the partial vendor string. If
you only want to find those that start with the partial vendor string, leave
off the "*" & part.

Clifford Bass


THANK YOU very much. This worked GREAT!


Clifford Bass said:

You will want to use the Like operator. Change your criteria to:

Like "*" & [Enter Vendor Name:] & "*"

That should find anything that contains the partial vendor string. If
you only want to find those that start with the partial vendor string, leave
off the "*" & part.

Clifford Bass

kealaz said:

I have a query that searches a table for a record. It's working, but I
would like to refine it a bit.

When I search on XYZ ELECTRONICS, I find the record I am looking for. I
want to be able to type XYZ and find the same record. How would I do that?

On my query, I have under VENDORNAME
Criteria: [Enter Vendor Name:]
which is how I enter the parameters to search the table on. If you answer
my question with code...PLEASE tell me where to put it...as I am very much a
novice with Access.


Allen Browne

Try using this in the Criteria:
Like [Enter Vendor Name:] & "*"

If you wanted to find the XYZ even in the middle of the name, use the
wildcard at the beginning as well:
Like "*" & [Enter Vendor Name:] & "*"

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