Query is asking for a parameter that's not there.



Whenever I run my query, it is asking for a parameter that is not a part of
the parameters. Here is the SQL for the query:
SELECT tblProspectComplete.Destination,
Count(tblProspectComplete.Destination) AS CountOfDestination,
Sum(tblProspectComplete.[InitialR/OAmt]) AS [SumOfInitialR/OAmt]
FROM tblProspectComplete
GROUP BY tblProspectComplete.Destination, tblProspectComplete.Funded
HAVING (((tblProspectComplete.Funded)=True) AND
((Last(tblProspectComplete.InitialDate)) Between
[Forms]![frmWhereWeAreDest]![StartDate] And

When I try to run the query it asks for the tblProspectsComplete.SSN

Any reason why it would ask for something that is not a part of the query?


I got it now. Somehow in my form that shows the query the Order By field in
the properties was set to tblProspectComplete.SSN

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