Queries and Reports



Can I do this???????

I've got a query called week 1 (Summer). It's source is the System
Information Table and the Service Requirements Table. The query displays all
systems according to their service: S (Summer), A (Annual), W (winter). In
the query, week 1 (summer), it displays all records that are serviced during
week 1 of either A or S. This works. However, when I use this query as a
filter on my service report. The service report is seperating the different
systems according to whether they have an S or A in the Service field. I
don't want it to do this. Once the query is applied to the report, I want
the records to be on the same report regardless of whether they have an S or
an A in service. I will need to be able to adapt what I do here for a Week 1
(winter) query.

After I get the records into the query, is it possible for me to sort them
according to Type_of_System (it is a field that is included in the table and
the query) on the report? As of right now, I get a report for each Type of
System for each time of year that service is performed. So if I have a
System B serviced in A and one serviced in S, I get 2 reports. I want them
to appear on the same report.

Here's an Example of what I'm picturing:

System Service Week
B A 1
C S 1
B W 1
C A 1
D W 1
D A 1

Week 1 (Summer) Query:
System Service Week
B A 1
C S 1
C A 1
D A 1

Report Week 1:
System Service Week
B A 1

System Service Week
C S 1
C A 1

System Service Week
D A 1

I apologize for such a long question, but I'm stuck and frustrated....I know
there is probably an easy solution (or at least I'm hoping there is) and I'm
just missing it so any advice will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!!


This is really a report question but here goes. In your report you need to
get to sorting and grouping. You can right click any footer or header top in
your current report and you should see this option. In that option - group by
system and make a header and footer as needed.


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