Qucik Access Toolbar help (Excel 2007)


Rick S.

I am not grasping some things about programming to the Quick Access Toolbar
I am trying to get a macro to show for any workbook that I open as long as
it is opened from a specfic folder.
Is this possible?
Is there some sample code to look at?
How much do I have to pay you to code it? ;)

XP Pro
Office 2007

Ron de Bruin

Hi Rick

One simple way is to test the activeworkbook.path in the macro and
only run the code if the files is opened from folder ???

See also the QAT examples in the 2007 section on my site for a few examples

Rick S.

Ron, milliseconds before your post I found how to check the path. I am also
using your example from your website as a guide.
For the list, does the hidden worksheet have to be in every workbook or can
it be in my personal workbook?

XP Pro
Office 2007

Rick S.

Thanks Ron! The Addin will work great!

XP Pro
Office 2007

Rick S.

One more question?
How do I edit the Addin? I do not get to see the menu sheet anymore?

XP Pro
Office 2007

Ron de Bruin

Alt F11

Select the Thisworkbook module of the add-in and in the properties
change IsAddin to False.

It is now a normal workbook
Change the menu and set it back to true and save the add-in

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