

Stephen Howe

System: Windows XP Professional with SP2 applied

I cannot get Quake 2 to work reliably on Windows XP.
The main problem is that every time I quit Quake 2 and go back in and try
and load a saved game, I get message "function pointers have moved".

This is with version 3.20 of Quake 2

A few points:

I have _NOT_ installed any of the mission packs
I have _NOT_ upgraded versions of Quake2 expecting saved games of earlier
version to load.

I am going to try reinstalling as I installed it before SP2 but I don't have
much hope that this will cure it. I am not using any XP "compatibility mode"

Any suggestions to fixing this game so that saved positions are usable?


Stephen Howe

Stephen Howe

Stephen Howe said:
System: Windows XP Professional with SP2 applied

I cannot get Quake 2 to work reliably on Windows XP.
The main problem is that every time I quit Quake 2 and go back in and try
and load a saved game, I get message "function pointers have moved".

Note also that this does not happen with Windows 2000,98,95 etc, just XP.

Stephen Howe

Neil Dela Osa

This thread mentions deleting the backup folder and config files for Quake
II or using an anti-cheat utility.


According to this thread it sounds like an application error. It mentions
recompiling code to use fixed base address pointers.


File planet mentions some launchers for the above problem. Check out the
"Load Level" Patches. I'm even finding source code samples.


Stephen Howe

This thread mentions deleting the backup folder and config files for Quake

Nope, no good
According to this thread it sounds like an application error. It mentions
recompiling code to use fixed base address pointers.


But I am running the original game. I don't have the source to compile.

The right thing to do is rebase the DLLs so that the base address is
something relatively unique in address terms. Some high address in the user
range springs to mind.

But right now I have settled to editing gamex86.dll.

Changing the byte at offset skips the test ReadLevel test

baseq2\gamex86.dll: 11E3F 74->EB
xatrix\gamex86.dll: 1346A 74->EB
rogue\gamex86.dll: 1DABD 74->EB

And that solves it

Stephen Howe

Neil Dela Osa

Good job.

Stephen Howe said:
Nope, no good

But I am running the original game. I don't have the source to compile.

The right thing to do is rebase the DLLs so that the base address is
something relatively unique in address terms. Some high address in the
range springs to mind.

But right now I have settled to editing gamex86.dll.

Changing the byte at offset skips the test ReadLevel test

baseq2\gamex86.dll: 11E3F 74->EB
xatrix\gamex86.dll: 1346A 74->EB
rogue\gamex86.dll: 1DABD 74->EB

And that solves it

Stephen Howe

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