Q: configuration error




I released my application to another machine and put it under
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyProject and created a web site on this folder. Now I am
running it with http://localhost/MyProject/MyPage.aspx and I am getting the
following error.
What is problem? Do I have to create a virtual directory for my application?

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file
required to service this request. Please review the specific error details
below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error
can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application
in IIS.

Source Error:

Line 49: by Microsoft that offers a single logon and core profile
services for member sites.
Line 50: -->
Line 51: <authentication mode="Forms">
Line 52: <!--<forms loginUrl="logon.aspx" name="adAuthCookie" timeout="60"
path="/"></forms> -->
Line 53: <forms loginUrl="logon.aspx" name="sqlAuthCookie" timeout="60"

Curt_C [MVP]

JIM.H. said:

I released my application to another machine and put it under
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyProject and created a web site on this folder. Now I am
running it with http://localhost/MyProject/MyPage.aspx and I am getting the
following error.
What is problem? Do I have to create a virtual directory for my application?

Yes... well, otherwise it's going to try to be controlled by the parent
Virt Dir. Basically you need to flag it as an "application" in IIS in
order to have it be a self contained app/site.


One thing to check is that the folder is set up as an Application

Go into IIS and select the MyProject Node in the left hand window
Right click and select properties
Under the Directory Tab exaimne the Application Settings section
If the Application name field is greyed out and has a Create button next to
it you need to click the Create button to make it an application in its own
right. This also makes it a Virtual Directory



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