Q: Can the footer on each indiviudal page be unique?



I am trying to make the footer on each page of my document unique to the
content the page to which it refers. I know that I can do this for the front
/first page of a document but I am not aware of being able to do this for
individual pages within a document. Any help would be gratefully

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Check out the use of the StyleRef field.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Herb Tyson [MVP]

....and if what you want can't be done using StyleRef or another automatic
reference, you can insert section breaks and turn off the Same as Previous
setting (in the header/footer toolbar) for each footer.

Stefan Blom

Or fake it, using a style set to "Page break before" to start each new page,
typing the "header" text in the body of the document. If frame formatting is
included in the style, the text can display in the header area.

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