Putting a button at the corner of a form


Simon Kravis

I would like to put a button in the lower LH corner of a resizeable
form.Using the code:

Command0.Left = Me.WindowWidth - Command0.Width
Command0.Top = Me.WindowHeight - Command0.Height - 900

in the Form_Resize event of an Access 2000 form, I am able to
increase the form width on resize, but increasing the form height
gives Runtime Error 2100 'The control or subform is too large for this

Any ideas?

Simon Kravis


Simon said:
I would like to put a button in the lower LH corner of a resizeable
form.Using the code:

Command0.Left = Me.WindowWidth - Command0.Width
Command0.Top = Me.WindowHeight - Command0.Height - 900

in the Form_Resize event of an Access 2000 form, I am able to
increase the form width on resize, but increasing the form height
gives Runtime Error 2100 'The control or subform is too large for this

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Here's some code I used to resize a TextBox (the only control on the
form). Perhaps it will work for you, after modification.

Private Sub Form_Resize()
' When the form resizes then the Note control resizes correspondingly.
' Modelled on Access 95 How-To by K.Getz & P. Litwin; p.92.

Dim h As Integer
Dim w As Integer
Static fInHere As Boolean

Const MIN_H = 2000 ' Twips or 1.38"
Const MIN_W = 4000 ' Twips or 2.77"

If fInHere Then Exit Sub
fInHere = True

On Error GoTo err_

' Get current Form size
h = Me.InsideHeight
w = Me.InsideWidth

' Check if w & h are in minimum limits.
If w < MIN_W Then
DoCmd.MoveSize , , MIN_W
w = Me.InsideWidth
End If
If h < MIN_H Then
DoCmd.MoveSize , , , MIN_H
h = Me.InsideHeight
End If

' Set detail section's height to same as form's height.
Me.Section(acDetail).Height = h

' Set the control's height & width to correspond to the form's h &
With Me!Note
.Height = h - (.Left + .Top)
.Width = w - .Left
End With

fInHere = False
Exit Sub

End Sub

- --
MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)

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Simon Kravis

Fix was that Me.Detail.Height needs to be changed explicitly in
Form_Resize event:

Command0.Left = Me.WindowWidth - Command0.Width
Me.Detail.Height = Me.WindowHeight
Command0.Top = Me.WindowHeight - Command0.Height - 900 ' add space for
navigation bar height if needed

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