Put form fields in Word forms into an Excel spreadsheet?



I have multiple Microsoft Word 2002 forms with the data in form fields. I
would like to convert the data into Excel 2002 so that the data from text1,
text3, etc., are placed in an Excel table with each document's form fields in
a line of Excel. I hope to be able to import the Excel Spreadsheet into
Quickbooks 2005 as invoice data.

Dave Peterson

I've never used this, but someone (I think Debra Dalgleish) once suggested just
saving the data in MSWord.

Inside MSWord (with your document active):
tools|options|Save Tab|Check "Save data only for forms"

From MSWord 2003's help:

Save data only for forms Saves the data entered into an online form as a
single, tab-delimited text file in plain text format. You can then import the
contents of that file into a database for analysis.

It sounds like that's what you want.

(I have no experience with quickbooks.)


Yes! That works, but for only one line. I don't know how to make the next
set of form fields go into the second line, etc.

Dave Peterson

Maybe you can use separate files for each set of fields. Then combine all those
files into one???

(or ask if there's a better way in one of the MSWord newsgroups????)



Once you have the data in Excel then you will need to get it into
QuickBooks. There is no direct way to import transaction data into
QuickBooks. You will need to look at one of the data import utilities
that are now available on the market. You can find a list of them
here, http://www.marketplace.intuit.com

Disclosure:. I have a financial interest in the company that
distributes one the utilities mentioned in this post.



Once you have the data in Excel then you will need to get it into
QuickBooks. There is no direct way to import transaction data into
QuickBooks. You will need to look at one of the data import utilities
that are now available on the market. You can find a list of them
here, http://www.marketplace.intuit.com

Disclosure:. I have a financial interest in the company that
distributes one the utilities mentioned in this post.

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