Pushbutton control in worksheet?




A long time ago, I managed to add a pushbutton control to a worksheet,
and when that button was pressed by the user, the macro/function I had
tied to the button wrote out a text file, the contents of which were
strings that I built from data on worksheet 1 and wrote as lines on
worksheet 2. I need to do a similar thing and was wondering if anyone
had a quick answer as to how to do this.

This also falls in line with my general question of how I add controls
such as spinners or selection controls that allow the user to make a
selection from a dropdown, for example, and have that selection affect
the calculations on a worksheet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Zerex71 said:
A long time ago, I managed to add a pushbutton control to a worksheet, [snips]
I need to do a similar thing and was wondering if anyone
had a quick answer as to how to do this.

Sure. You add a control, then put VBA behind it. If you have
a more specific question I'd be happy to answer it. But if you
ask a vague "teach me VBA" kind of question, the response
will be, get a book. Or read the helps that come with Excel.

Dave Peterson

There are controls on the Forms toolbar and there are other controls on the
Control toolbox toolbar.

I find the controls from the Forms toolbar easier to use. You may want to show
that toolbar and drag a few controls from that toolbar to a test worksheet in a
test workbook.

As for the dropdowns, I think the easiest to implement is Data|Validation.

You can find lots of tips for Data|Validation at Debra Dalgleish's site:

Yes, there is a dropdown from the forms toolbar and a combobox from the control
toolbox toolbar. But for ease of use, I think Data|Validation is the simplest.

And for the macro, you may find that you can record a macro to do what you
want. With a little bit of tweaking (or none at all), it may be what you want.


Thanks a bunch! I greatly appreciate the pointers. Sometimes with all
that Excel can do, I don't know where to look or start. I will try
your suggestions.


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