pulling info from multiple sheets



I have 55 sheets in my file. I have one page that I am collecting data from
other sheets. So on the individual sheets I will have the same data for
different dates in cells C7 C14,C21,C28,C35,C42 and so on. On the sheet I am
collecting data I will have a list of the indidvidual sheets and columns
labeled with the individual data to be collected there. What I need
assistance with is this:
If on first row of my collection sheet I pull info from sheet #1
C7,D7,E7,F7, AND G7 and I would like on the same row to then pull from the
same sheet C14,D14,E14,F14 and G14, and then C21,D21,E21,F21, and G14 and so
on and so on. How do I copy and paste my formulas? Can I increment a formula
so when I copy it to a different rows it will automatically increment the
formula to pull data from the next sheet? Don't know if it possible, but it
woul sure save me time.


Have you tried using the 'paste special' options? It allows you to past



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