pull up job due when needs to be done Once/month



I have it down to display all cleaning jobs Due Today ex. Wed. I have a drop
down list where the frequency is selected. Mon,Wed, Fri - Tue, Thu -mon -
and any combinations of days for the week.

However some of the jobs only need to be done once or twice a month. not
sure how to handle pulling up(meeting criteria of the query) when they are
due to be. any ideas???



In your jobs table you need a Frequency field. You also need a Frequency
table. The Frequency table would include Once A Month and Twice A Month. You
can then use a combobox on your jobs form to enter the frequency when
entering a new job or editing a job. On your jobs due form, your combobox
would be based on the Frequency table. You would have a query as the
recordsource of your jobs due form and the frequency field in the query
would have the criteria:

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