Publishing a static table as html using jscript (Excel 2007)



Hi all,

I have a single table in my xlsx file.
I would like to create a [static] html (.htm) file containing this
Keep in mind that I don't want to save the workbook or worksheet as
htm (SaveAs( ..., 44 )) since it generates not a single but multiple
files with [dynamic] html containing an ActiveX and allowing user to
browse through sheets which I don't have more than... one.

The way to see the table in the .htm form through a menu system is by
Save As/Other Formats selecting .mht .htm, selecting Single Web Page,
and saving.
The new file is the only file being saved.

I believe it's called publishing.

I need an jscript method.
Something like that:

ea = new ActiveXObject( "Excel.Application" ) ;
ea.DisplayAlerts = 0 ;
wb = ea.Workbooks.Open( "myfile.xlsx" ) ;
ws = wb.Worksheets( "Sheet1" ) ;
ws.Activate() ;
ws.PivotTables( 1 ).RefreshTable ;
--- here comes the function that would look like that:
--- ws.SaveAs( "myfile.htm", magicnumber-but-not-44 ) ;
--- I believe there could be something like this:
--- ws.Publish( "myfile.htm", static ) ;
wb.Close ;

Thank you for any help in adance,


Anyone knows where I could post this question to receive an answer for
it, please?
is there excel.activex group?


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