Publish Printers in Active Directory on Win2k


Chris Sibel

Hey Guys,
I have a server computer running Windows 2000 server that host my domain
with an active directory. I have a few computers that are running windows 98
and a few that are running XP pro. Now they are all connecting to the
Windows 2000 server domain. I'm trying to publish all the shared printers to
the active directory. The machines on win98 that have printers work fine
when I add the printer to the active directory. Now the XP pro machines have
the option to automatically publish the shared printer to the active
directory. So I have that option enabled and they appear when I go to add
the printer and search the AD. But when I click to printer from the AD
search results an error occurs when I try to connect to any of the XP
printers. The error I get is as followed.

"Windows cannot connect to the printer. Either the printer name was typed
incorrectly, or the specified printer has lost its connection to the server.
For more information, click Help."

Does anyone know why this happens. I've tried to manually publish the
printers (that are on an XP pro OS) in the active directory but that also
generates an error message that reads:

"This printer cannot be published. To publish printers on windows 2000
computers, use the Printers folder."

I haven't been able to find a solution for this. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks in advance.


stevta [MSFT]

Error Message: Could Not Connect to the Printer. You Either Entered a
ID: 282817.KB.EN-US CREATED: 2000-12-19 MODIFIED: 2002-10-11

Public |

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server



You may receive the following error message when you are attempting to
install a printer:

Could not connect to the printer. You either entered a printer name
that was incorrect or the specified printer is no longer connected to
the server. Click Help for more information.


This problem occurs because you have exceeded the allowable number of print
server licenses.


To resolve this problem, verify that you are not having a problem with the
licensing service. To do so, temporarily disable the licensing service on
the print server by following these steps:

1. Click Start, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then
click Services.

2. Right-click License Logging Service, and then click Stop.

3. After you stop the licensing service, attempt to connect to the
printer again.

If performing these steps corrects the problem, you may need to purchase
additional licenses. To check the number of concurrent connections allowed,
in Control Panel, double-click Licensing, and then click "Number of
concurrent connections".


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products
that are listed at the beginning of this article.




Publishing Keywords : kbwin2000Search kbwin2000Serv kbwin2000ServSearch
Keywords : kbbug kberrmsg
Revision Type : Major
Workgroup : EntireNet Editing - Consumer [358]
Billing Product : Win Svr 2000 English [98927]
Original Language : EN-US
Source Language : EN-US
Created By : austinm Published Date : 2002-10-11
Modified By : A-EDMA Archived Date :

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