pst file size



My pst file on my old computer is about 1.9 mb, according to Win explorer, so
I deleted about 700 emails, but the size remains the same.
My goal is to get it to one gig for my flash drive.

How can I do this?

Pat Willener

Deleting mail will not shrink the file size until you compact. You will
not lose anything by doing so, but taking a backup before as a
precaution is always a good idea.

To compact, right-click on the file/folder in Outlook, select
Properties, tab General, Advanced, Compact Now.


Thank you, Pat.

I compacted and went from 1.9 to 1.7 MB.

Do I have to delete more, or can a pst file be split? Or do I just buy a 2G
flash drive?


This is the exact problem I am having. I delete a ton of mail out of my PST
and compact it, but the file size remains aproximatley the same. What is the

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

YOu must have removed over 10% of your items for compacting to work.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Stephen A. Davis asked:

| This is the exact problem I am having. I delete a ton of mail out of
| my PST and compact it, but the file size remains aproximatley the
| same. What is the deal?
| "Confused" wrote:
|| Thank you, Pat.
|| I compacted and went from 1.9 to 1.7 MB.
|| Do I have to delete more, or can a pst file be split? Or do I just
|| buy a 2G flash drive?
|| "Pat Willener" wrote:
||| Deleting mail will not shrink the file size until you compact. You
||| will not lose anything by doing so, but taking a backup before as a
||| precaution is always a good idea.
||| To compact, right-click on the file/folder in Outlook, select
||| Properties, tab General, Advanced, Compact Now.
||| Confused wrote:
|||| Do I lose anything when I compact, or is it just filling empty
|||| space?
|||| Shouldn't deleting 700 emails have shrunk the file size?
|||| "Pat Willener" wrote:
||||| Compact the file after deleting contents.
||||| Confused wrote:
|||||| My pst file on my old computer is about 1.9 mb, according to Win
|||||| explorer, so I deleted about 700 emails, but the size remains
|||||| the same.
|||||| My goal is to get it to one gig for my flash drive.
|||||| How can I do this?

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