Provider Model : modular application design issue




I have created a custom provider (extending on ProviderBase) to handle
Standards and I wish to package up these classes (StandardService,
StandardProvider, StandardProviderCollection, SqlStandardProvider,
StandardServiceSection, and related business object classes) into a separate
class library so that this (custom) provider can be referenced by multiple

Unfortunetly it seems that the Standard provider does not get instanciated
or something around these lines; here is the actual error message:

"Parser Error Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 21: <standardService defaultProvider="SqlStandardProvider">
Line 22: <providers>
Line 23: <add name="SqlStandardProvider"
Line 24: </providers>
Line 25: </standardService>

I suspect the problem comes from the relationship between the provider
classes and the related website's config.Web section and the fact that these
provider classes are located in the library dll and not in the App_code
folder. (speculation only)

Any input would be appreciated, about this problem or in regards to
packaging providers into reusable components.



Karl Seguin [MVP]

Well, the type should be

Namespaces.ClassName, AssemblyName

if,as yousay, they are in their own assembly, it ought to e something like:

CommonLibrary.SqlStandardProvider, CommonLibrary

assuming they are in the CommonLibrary.dll assembly.


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