....provided by



How can I get rid of the (Outlook Express) "provided by Wanadoo" in the
toolbar please? I have tried running a search for the words, but that
obviously is not the way.

R. McCarty

Are you Registry Editing capable ? If so, Open Regedit and navigate to
the following key:
HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express
(Check for the existence of a Key called WindowTitle, if exists go to
the last instruction.*
Right Click, the key and then New, String Value -name it WindowTitle
*Double-Click the new Key and insert the text you wish to appear or
remove the provided by.


What a painless and fantastically easy way Kenny. Thank you so much.
Thanks for other suggestions too, everybody. It is just so annoying to see
that branding there.

George Hester

R you have to be careful about what a key is and what a data value is.
Double-clicking a key does nothing except expand the key if it has subkeys.
So in your explanation you really mean go to this key:

HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express

At that point the user will have to decipher what you are saying. There is
no key by that name. There may be a Name value WindowTitle which is data
type REG_SZ and has data the title "Wanadoo" in this case. If that was
double-clicked then yes a change can be made. Double-clicking a key does
nothing other than what I said above.

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