Protecting the Print Range.



I don't want other people who have access to my file to adjust the page breaks.
The size of the file never changes just the data in it and if someone does a
reset page breaks it will mess everythingup.

Is this possible in Excel 2003?


What is a before_print event?
Most of us print to the same style of printer so that may not be an issue.
I'm trying to protect the master.

Don Guillett

Look in the ThisWorkbook module

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
With Sheets("Yoursheetnamehere")
..Cells.PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone

'then reset yours

'you may?? need to set zoom to theirs or let them set by a cell value
mv = Sheets("Trades").Range("q1").Value
..PageSetup.Zoom = mv 'Sheets("Trades").Range("q1") '72

end with
End Sub

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