Pros and cons of Page Transition feature



I just discovered the Format | Page Transition . . . feature of FP2000.
It seems to work OK in Preview mode and when I upload to a server and go
to the pages on the Web.

For an example that switches from one page back to the other using any
of 22 randomly chosen page transitions, go to

Is there any reason not to use this feature on Web pages? For example,
do certain browsers screw it up, or is there interference with other

What are the pros and cons?


Thomas A. Rowe

Doesn't work outside of IE browser.

When adding dynamic effects to your web site you need to consider what benefits it add for the
visitor of your site. Remember when you create a web site, you are design it for the visitor, not

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


This is exactly the sort of answer I was looking (but not hoping) for.
Now I know not to use FP's Page Transition feature. What other dynamic
effects work only in IE browsers? Is there a list somewhere?

Thanks for your first answer, and thanks in advance for your second


Thomas A. Rowe

I don't know of a list.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jack Brewster

I'd say it's one of those things that is frowned upon for professional
sites. As the web matures, users are becoming more sophisticated. More and
more users expect to find the info they want/need without wading through
"gimmicks" such as transitions.

For a personal site, I say go for it. It's for you, right? But if it's a
professional or business site, bottom line, help your visitors get to the
content they want as fast as possible. Don't throw anything in the way of

Wally S

I went on the site, and I did not see any transitions at all, just a normal
switch from one page to another. I am using IE6 with Windows XP.

Wally S

Thomas A. Rowe

Did you click the link at the bottom of each page?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


As for listing, I thought I'd add the issue with FP
Hover Buttons (See another post on the same topic a
little ways up). They run on Java Applets, and not
Javascript and many browsers will simply not be able to
navigate the site. So Long,...Brightbelt

Wally S

Yep. The background color changes, but you don't need a transition to do
that. It just goes from one page to another.

Wally S


Mr. Brewster,

This is for a professional site, and I agree with all your advice. If
it had worked I'd've used such a transition effect on only one place on
the site, that being upon entry to the splash screen page, which
visitors never see more than once per session; and at that I'd have made
the delay a half-second rather than 4 as I showed on those two example

In fact, I agree with your advice so much that on my own personal site I
would never use such a transition effect except maybe on the splash

Do you know of any other FP-generated code that I should steer clear of?
I learned the really hard way not to use FP-generated hover buttons.

Thanks for your response.


Jack Brewster


Mr. Brewster is my dad, call me Jack. :)

I've been using FP so long that I don't even look at the built in "eye
candy." About the only features I use consistently are Include Pages and
Substitution. Does that mean don't use any of the other tools, certainly
not. I just don't find any use for them myself.

Take some of the built in Web Components. Do you really need to add an MSN
search component to your page? How does that help your bottom line? If
someone wants to search the web, they should _go_to_ MSN (or whatever search
engine). Hit counters are the same thing. They don't add legitimacy to
your site, it's just a number. Who knows whether you started at 0 or

Some components that might be useful, depending on the mission, would be the
Expedia maps. Make it easy for visitors to find your store, for example.
But if you don't have a store front, or need to steer people your way, again
I wouldn't bother.

I think it all goes back to "gimmicks." What is the _reason_ to add
something to a page? Is it appropriate for what you're site is trying to
do? Does it enhance you're visitor's experience? Make it easier for them
to find information (or spend money!)? Or is it just a "digital pink
flamingo?" Is it just there because it's cool?

Sorry I can't be more specific about what is safe to use. There are some
100% easy ones to call, such as Java Hovers and transitions, but for the
rest, it's more philosophical, I guess. I hope this helps.

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