Proper use of the GAC and referencing old versions of a DLL


Scott Vercuski


I have a question about the proper use of the GAC and how to
reference past versions of a DLL. Let me lay out the scenario ...

Suppose we have a DLL named GACTest.dll ...

Version 1 has a function Add(int a, int b) ... just adds the two
numbers and returns the result. I've registered that in the GAC and
gave it the version number I installed the DLL in

I created a test page and called the Add function with 2 intgers
and everything works fine.

Now I go back in and change the Add function to ... Add(int a, int
b, int c). I change the version number to, recompile and put
it in the same directory (C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322)
and re-register it in the GAC. When I look in the GAC I see two
versions of the DLL as I expected to ... one is version and
the other is and in my code when I call the Add function and
supply 3 parameters ... it works fine ... but how would I reference
the OLD version? if I only wanted to call the Add function with two
parameters? How do I reference

Thank you in advance for any help
If you would like to contact me please do so at
(e-mail address removed)

Thank you,
Scott Vercuski
(e-mail address removed)

Mattias Sjögren

I installed the DLL in C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322

Why? That directory is primarily for framework assemblies.

but how would I reference
the OLD version? if I only wanted to call the Add function with two
parameters? How do I reference

Keep a copy of it in some directory, and don't overwrite it with
v1.1.0.0. Browse to it from VS.NET's Add Reference dialog.


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