Programs that can be installed?



I signed up for vista BETA 2 and have downloaded it, i was wondering, if i
install vista will i be able to use the same programs that i have on XP like
battlefield 2, age of empires 3 office 07 BETA 2 etc. Also after installation
will i have to reinstall all my programs and will data on my secondary hard
drive that i use as a storage drive be lost?
Cheers Hynesy_dave

Andre Da Costa [Extended64]

Office 2007 works on Vista. If you install Vista x64 you have to reinstall
all your apps, if its Vista x86, you can upgrade from XP SP2 and still
preserve apps and personal settings, no guarantee they will survive the
upgrade might need to be repair, updated and patched before they can be

As for the games, check the group for
more information.
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I signed up for vista BETA 2 and have downloaded it, i was wondering, if i
install vista will i be able to use the same programs that i have on XP like
battlefield 2, age of empires 3 office 07 BETA 2 etc. Also after installation
will i have to reinstall all my programs and will data on my secondary hard
drive that i use as a storage drive be lost?
Cheers Hynesy_dave

No you won't Dave, a lot of stuff won't work and will not be
supported. You will have to install all your apps again, some will be
OK, some will not install, some will crash the machine.

Its a beta test not a finished ready to go operating system, best way
to use it is on a test PC and try things out on it in isolation. Do
not overwrite your existing OS with it otherwise you will be
reformatting and reinstalling XP within days having lost all your


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