Programs crash when I try to save




I am having problems with my computer which all started last night here:

When I tried to Save one of the videos, Firefox, and even Internet Explorer
crashed there for the first time. Before I went there every thing is fine.
But now, even after a virus scan, and windows defender scan, even me
restoring my computer to the day before, this problem is still here. I cannot
save anything with out anything crashing. Like If I click save as in paint,
after one seconed or two it just goes off. Same for other programs such as
FireFox, Internet explorer, Opera, wordpad, note pad, paint shop pro and ect.

And when I go to my pictures, I get a "Windows explorer has encountered a
problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" window, if I
leave that alone I can still use my desktop and mypiuctures and other things
that uses Explorer.exe. But whether I hit "Send error report" or "Don't send"
Anything that uses or tries to use Explorer freezes up, and it wont end.
Unless I tell task manager to shutdown or reboot. And the Dr. Wastson for
windows had to end after Ending Explorer.EXE.

I tried the most commen thing to do was restore... but that didn't work. I
don't know what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Have you tried a disk clean up and defragging the hard drive, clicking
start/clicking my computer/clicking hard drive/ then clicking

This is the first step, the next is to scan for viruses and spyware,
perhaps too many things are running at once and your running out of
RAM, think the clue might be Firefox, Opera and Explorer.

Nothing wrong with Mozilla, I use Firefox and Thunderbird.... Have
you ever notice how slow Internet Exploder runs....? Well, I can be
on Exploder for 10 mnutes and get over 120 cookies, can be on Firefox
all day and just get a dozen or so...!

And don't forget the dreaded Messenger this runs in the background
whether on line or not, they are all bug bearers.


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