Processing messages when opening Windows Mail.



Each time I start up Windows Mail I get a message saying 'processing x of y
messages' and, since it is a cumulative number, it would seem to be going
through all the messages in my inbox and other folders rather than just the
new ones since I last logged on i.e. downloaded from my ISP's server. Could
anyone advise my a) why it does this and b) is there anyway to stop it? Up
until now I have only used Outlook so am only getting to know Windows Mail
which I have on my new laptop (running Vista). I did look to see if there
were any other threads but couldn't find any mention of a similar problem.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Log-in to the email account's webmail page and delete the first message in
the queue (usually the oldest one in your inbox that hadn't downloaded into
WinMail yet).

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