Procesor upgrade on Vista P4 to P4 h.t




I have windows vista bussines on my P.C whitch intel P4 processor. I´m
upgrade the processor to P4 H.T .

Is necesary reinstall o repair windows vista?


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Dustin Harper

No. Vista should find it and it should work. To tell if it is working, you
can go into the Task Manager and look at the Performance. You should see two
graphs on the CPU graph.


Tank for your answer.

I´m remember on windows xp it´s necesary reinstall or repair the system.

I test-it in a hours. I´m waiting to arrive my new cpu xD-

Tanks and sorry for my english

Dustin Harper

With XP it needed to install the new Multi-Processor (since HT has 2 logical
cores, but only 1 physical; XP/Vista see's it as 2 processors) HAL. With
Vista, I think it can just install it and not have to do a repair.

Let me know how it goes, though. I may be wrong.

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)



Note, hyperthreading is not likely to get you that much of a
performance boost -- the newer dual core CPU's do offer more

Also, you may well need to go into the motherboard BIOS settings to
enable hyperthreading.

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