problems with XL 2000 files in XL 97




I designed a spreadsheet with a user form & code in Excel 2000 and then
opened the files in Excel 97, however although the spreadsheet was visible,
the VBA project was unviewable. I went back into Excel 2000 and removed the
project protection and saved the file in Excel 97 format but the project is
still unviewable in Excel 97.

Any ideas?


Tom Ogilvy

Since xl2000 and xl97 use the same format, it is unclear how you saved in
Excel 97 format. Perhaps you should unprotect the project, then just save
the file and try to open it in Excel 97.

As a general rule, you should do your development in the earliest version of
Excel in which the project will be used.

Tom Ogilvy

the second option actuall is
Excel 97 - 2000 and xl5/95

so this saves two versions of the file in a single workbook so it can be
opened in xl5/95.

In any event, if you can see the forms and modules in the project explorer,
it usually means the project is unprotected. In xl2000, try exporting all
the code/modules/userforms, then delete them all, then save and close the
file, then open it back up and import everything, then save it. See if that
will open in xl97. If not, then repeat, but move everything to xl97 to do
the import.

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