Problems with Windows Mail since Updates



I have had my current PC since May and have had no problems at all with
Windows Mail until now. I returned from holiday at the end of August and
when PC switched on there were a number of updates from MS which were duly
installed. Since then I have been having constant problems with Windows
Mail. It will work fine to start with but after a while will lock with the
following issues

Can't delete deleted items or Junk mail from folders(have to delete
individually from there)
Pictures do not appear. just a white box with a red x in the corner.
Trying to create/reply/forward mail just opens a blank window frame
Trying again just gives a black box.

only solution is to reboot PC which is not ideal as the symptoms can occur
after 5 mins use.

I am using McAfee and having read through some of the issues on this
newsgroup am now aware that there are compatibility issues. However
everything was fine for four months so it would appear to me more to do with
the updates in August than with McAfee.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Jon said:
I have had my current PC since May and have had no problems at all with
Windows Mail until now. I returned from holiday at the end of August and
when PC switched on there were a number of updates from MS which were duly
installed. Since then I have been having constant problems with Windows
Mail. It will work fine to start with but after a while will lock with the
following issues

Can't delete deleted items or Junk mail from folders(have to delete
individually from there)
Pictures do not appear. just a white box with a red x in the corner.
Trying to create/reply/forward mail just opens a blank window frame
Trying again just gives a black box.

only solution is to reboot PC which is not ideal as the symptoms can occur
after 5 mins use.

I am using McAfee and having read through some of the issues on this
newsgroup am now aware that there are compatibility issues. However
everything was fine for four months so it would appear to me more to do
with the updates in August than with McAfee.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Install this fix:
Messages may be stuck in the Outbox when you use Windows Mail on a computer
that is running Windows Vista

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no
protection not provided by the regular resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled.


Frank Saunders said:
Install this fix:
Messages may be stuck in the Outbox when you use Windows Mail on a
computer that is running Windows Vista

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no
protection not provided by the regular resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled.

Tried the fix but got the message that it did not apply to my system.

Gary VanderMolen

Did you try uninstalling McAfee? Windows Mail is particularly
prone to corruption from McAfee and Norton antivirus programs.

Gary VanderMolen


I too am having problems after updates, My mail used to work fine, now it
doesn't, have always had Norton, I can recieve and send mail only after
completely turning off power to my cable, after a few minutes I no longer can
send or recieve mail, I assume it's a setting somewhere, any idea where?

Gary VanderMolen

Uninstall Norton, then try your mail again.
It was probably a coincidence that the problem surfaced after
installing updates.

Gary VanderMolen


there appear to be a few people that have had problems after the recent
updates. Unlikely that they are all co-incidences


Not had chance yet. I have the security centre. Can I just uninstall the
virus part or do I have to remove the whole lot?


I am having EXACTLY the same problem! When I've tried to install whatever
updates there might be, I get a message saying it doesn't apply to me. If the
problem is with McAfee, what are we supposed to use for virus protection? I
really don't want to disable my mail.

Thanks to any and all for their help!

Gary VanderMolen

I'd uninstall the whole lot, just as a test. You can always reinstall.
Personally I find that Windows Firewall, Windows Defender, and
the free Avast antivirus provide all the protection I need.
Why pay money for a third party security suite that is not compatible?

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or
Norton security programs. Those will need to be
uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Jon said:
Tried the fix but got the message that it did not apply to my system.

Are you using 64-bit Vista?
Are you sure you downloaded the correct package for whichever you have



I have done as you advised and uninstalled MacAfee and installed Avast. I
also did a system restore to before the august updates. Everything appeared
to be working fine (apart from it screwing up the sidebar which I haven't
been able to fix yet). However when I then downloaded all the updates I find
I now have the original problem back again. A lot of others appear to be
having problems with their windows mail since these latest updates. Is there
any chance that one of them has caused this issue as before then Mail was
forking fine even with MacAfee.


All available updates have been installed on my computer, and
Windows Mail works well. I use BitDefender as an antivirus.
Windows Live OneCare also works well on an acquaintance's
computer, but the yearly renewal is pretty expensive.

Gary VanderMolen

I'm not really familiar with the issue regarding the latest Windows Updates.
From what I've read here, about half a dozen people have reported
that their email login credentials are not working after installing the
updates. Whether this is just a coincidence or not, I don't know. Seems
like the incidence of this particular problem report would be a lot
higher if there really was something to it.

Gary VanderMolen

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