Problems with using 2008 in dates


Rich K.

Using Excel 2003 - have a spreadsheet that calculates a figure that is used
in access queries - in the spreadsheet, have the following:

Hour Minute Month Day Year Total
11 59 PM 12 27 2007
104400 3540 28857600 2246400 1167609600 = 1198821540

Under each value is a number - but not sure how it is calculated but the
total is a sum of the calculated numbers under the time/date numbers.

Problem comes when I change values to year 2008 and hit calculate:
Hour Minute Month Day Year Total
11 59 PM 1 2 88408
104400 3540 0 86400 1199145600 1199339940

When it calculates the new total, the year gets changed from 2008 to 88408 -
can anybody tell me what is going on here?

TIA - Rich

David Biddulph

Without knowing what formulae you have in your spreadsheet, or possibly in
macros, then we can't tell you where it's going wrong. Sadly not even the
experts on this group are clairvoyant.

Rich K.

Sorry - did not even think of the macros - because I just "inherited" this
stuff and am not a macro person. Can muddle my way through it though.
Thanks for the point in the right direction.

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