Problems with TV and computer....



I have this computer monitor that has VGA and DVI outputs... I tired to
connect DVI output to my TV and i tried to turn the tv on to change to
computer mode... all it shows is all black... what do i need to do??


That's not a dvi output. It's an Input for connection to the output of your
video card.


really? well i checked if it's an dvi input on the montior... it said
output... and it's supposed to be like for second montiors or hdtv... that
still puzzles me....

Tim Slattery

I have this computer monitor that has VGA and DVI outputs... I tired to
connect DVI output to my TV and i tried to turn the tv on to change to
computer mode... all it shows is all black... what do i need to do??

Go into the video setup dialog (I'm at an XP machine right now, so I
can't tell you exactly where to look in Vista), and turn on the second

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