problems with outlook 2007 corrupting and requiring reloading aft.



Office 2007 beta mandated using outlook 2007. each time I start the program
defaults to an error has occurred , sends an error report and restarts
without a hitch except now requires reloading of the program. The five
minute start up time and now reloading makes it burdonsome and unusable.

Kristan Kenney

Have you tried uninstalling Office 2007 Beta or doing a "Detect and Repair"?


What happens if you don't have Adobe installed, you've repaired all your .pst
files, you've run MS Detect and Repair and found nothing and the damm thing
still won't run? If I have to unbinstall and reinstall the software
everytime I want to use it, what good is it. Since it also screws up the
restore point uninstalling doesn't do any good since you can't go back to
2003 (which wasn't much better). They expect you to pay for unstable
software that doesn't work wiht no support and they can't even tell you when
they will get around to fixing the problems that have been identified. The
Adobe probelm isn't new and MS has done nothing to fix it along with a long
list of other things. I wonder how many more ways they can figure out how to
screw the customer. Tell Bill to take some of that money he likes to give
away and put it back into the product and fix some of the problems.

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