Problems with new record entry in subforms


Neal H.

I have created a form that has a subform within it. In
the subform, I need to be able to add new records,
however, I am not able to do so. The Subform is based on
a query and under properties I have "Yes" selected for
allow edits, allow deletions, allow additions, and data
entry. How do I create a new record within this form?
Thanks in advance!


Thanks for your response Arvin. The query is not
updateable. I have added the field that is the primary
key to the query, but it is still not updateable. Any
other suggestions to be able to update the query/form?
Thanks for your help!

Armen Stein

Thanks for your response Arvin. The query is not
updateable. I have added the field that is the primary
key to the query, but it is still not updateable. Any
other suggestions to be able to update the query/form?
Thanks for your help!

Hi Neal,

Another common reason for a query to be non-updatable is if is has
aggregate functions (like Sum, Count, Group By, etc.), or is joined to a
query that has these.

If this is the problem, you can compute these values by using calculated
fields on your subform, like this- ControlSource: =DSum("[fieldname]",
"[tableorqueryname]", "Where [fieldname] = " & [fieldname])

Also - you should probably turn off Data Entry. This forces the form
into a mode where ALL you can do is add new records - existing ones
won't display.

Hope this helps,
Armen Stein
Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference
J Street Technology, Inc.
Armen _@_ JStreetTech _._ com

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