Problems with installing WinXP SP1a



Why do I get an "access denied" message when I try and install WinXP SP1a. It has happened to me several times. I tried doing this connected to the internet, and the last time I downloaded the file to another computer and copied the file to the machine running Win XP. Now that machine will not reboot. I am afraid that I will need to reinstall the OS now. Can anyone help?

Leonard Severt [MSFT]

Why do I get an "access denied" message when I try and install WinXP
SP1a. It has happened to me several times. I tried doing this
connected to the internet, and the last time I downloaded the file to
another computer and copied the file to the machine running Win XP.
Now that machine will not reboot. I am afraid that I will need to
reinstall the OS now. Can anyone help?

Access is denied is caused by some files not have System Account access.
In fact a majority of service pack install problems are caused by file
or registry permissions. For files it usually happens when the Everyone
group is removed and System is not added to the entire partition with
Full access. All Windows related files should have System and
Administrator with Full access.

Leonard Severt

Windows 2000 Server Setup Team

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