Problems with Charts & Autoshapes



Hopefully I will explain myself properly...

I am wanting to create a stacked chart (2 stacks) with a
trendline (seperate figures), but it won't allow me to do
that. Is there a way?

Second question is, I need to create a cube with 3 sides -
can get that from Autoshapes, but I'm wanting to put
text on all three sides and I need it to fit exactly. I
can only insert text on the front panel and not on the
top and sides.
Any suggestions? I need your help urgently.

Echo S

sb said:
Hopefully I will explain myself properly...

I am wanting to create a stacked chart (2 stacks) with a
trendline (seperate figures), but it won't allow me to do
that. Is there a way?

Not that I'm aware, but I'd bet one of the Excel experts has figured out
a way to do it in Excel. I'd probably ask over in the excel.charting
newsgroup. Depending on how it's done there, you *may* be able to do it
in PPT, too. If not, you can always just import the Excel chart into
PPT, though.
Second question is, I need to create a cube with 3 sides -
can get that from Autoshapes, but I'm wanting to put
text on all three sides and I need it to fit exactly. I
can only insert text on the front panel and not on the
top and sides.

You'll want to create your side textboxes separately, then use the
rotate feature on the Draw menubar to rotate the textbox to the
appropriate angle. If you need more exact angles, you can use
Format/Textbox and input the value in the rotation option on the Size
tab. (Get out those ol' geometry books to figure out the side angle...)

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