problems with activex controls on web page



On my web page, I have an activex control.
Is it possible for the activex control to access some xml files and database
on the WebServer ? If yes, How to do that ?
If no, is there any method to do that ?

Please help me.
I am using ASP.Net with C# as the code behind


Yikes! Security Threat Alert!

Yes, your activex control can do whatever the pc could do. You would need
to perform the same functions that your code on the web application would do.

This is where the problem comes in. Since the code is executing from the
client pc, the client will need to directly connect to the database. So,
they will have to have the sqlclient software installed for the database you
are using.

Do you see the problem here? If you are going to the trouble of having the
client directly connect to the database, then make a client-server

The best practice is to do a postback to your server page. That way you can
enforce all of your security policies.

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