Problems with Active Directory


Eli Misael

When attempt to add a server to a domain, this apparently
is added, but field DNS name of activates direcory
manager, he does not appear nothing, in the Computer name
appears the name of the computer, for example GESTION, in
the server DNS, who primary this in Linux, and Secondary
this in W2K Server, the IP that associates is
and the FQN is, in the tab of "Member
of" marks to me that it is member of the "Domain
Computers", in folder of active directory:, and when I share a directory or complete
discs, says me that it is not possible to be access, on
the other hand, when it coat of the domain and I put it in
a group, I can access to the shared services, although
sure because it is outside the domain, single the users
that registered locally, can access to the shared
information, somebody that can say to me that it happens,
or that there is to do.

The EventID 5783, 5788 marks to me and 5789, which talk
about the fact that it cannot establish the connection
with the PDC, first talks about a: the \\PDC-w2k
controller for the dominion 7c does not respond, call RPC
from \\GESTION towards \\PDC-w2k has been cancelled.

and the other two: in both cases it says that servant RPC
not this available one with the following legend
respectively: attempt to register the HOST in the main
servant of names (SPN) in active directory, but failure,
the values that were tried were: <UNAVAILABLE> and
<UNAVAILABLE>, and second, it says that the value attempt to add this object on the active
directory and fail.

Even, I have used NETDOM for registers the computer and
also to failed, somebody that can help to me on the matter


Dose the BIND version of your Linux DNS support Dynamic Updates and SRV
records? How ever I don't recommend to use Linux as DNS Server for your
Active Directory Zone.


Accorgind to company politics, the Primary and Secondary
DNS will running on Linux, and want a server on W2K for
active directory. I recomended the use of Primary DNS on
W2k, but them don't want, how I do it for migrate the
actual DNS Configuraction on Linux to Windows


Your external DNS can still remain on Linux. Install DNS on a Windows Server
Domain Controller and setup a Active Directory Integrated zone.

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