Problems saving to hard drive after upgarding to Windows Vista.



I recently upgraded to Windows Vista and everytime I try to save to a file to
my hard drive I get this error;

"Word cannot save or create this file. Make sure that the disk you what to
save the file is not full, write-protected or damaged"

I tried changing the security settings so it will allow everything and it
didn't work. How do I fix it so I can write to my hard drive?

Peter Foldes

Are you trying to Save to a disk or to your Hard Drive.

The error that you posted seems like it is trying to save to an outside media like a CD


I am trying to save to C: using Word 2003 and Windows Vista will not allow
me. I even tried changing the security settings to allow everything and it
didn't work. The hard drive still appears to be write protected.


Are you saving to the root directory? That is, to C: itself and not to any
folders on C: ?
I don't think you can save directly to C: .
It's a security measure. You have to save to a folder on C.


Try saving the file to
C:\Users\your profile\Documents or subfolder created in Documents.

:I recently upgraded to Windows Vista and everytime I try to save to a file to
: my hard drive I get this error;
: "Word cannot save or create this file. Make sure that the disk you what to
: save the file is not full, write-protected or damaged"
: I tried changing the security settings so it will allow everything and it
: didn't work. How do I fix it so I can write to my hard drive?

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