Problems running an application using msjet 3.0.x on Windows Vista




I have an application, written in VB 4.2, that uses MS Jet library
version 3.0.x (specifically, msjt3032.dll version 5226) to connect to
the Access database. This application runs fine on Windows XP.
However, when I tried to run this application on Windows Vista, I ran
into issues where I got an "Out of Memory" error. This error comes
when the application tries to connect to the database (using

Could anyone please give me pointers if they have seen a similar
issue? I believe people have been able to run applications using MS
Jet version 3.5.x on Windows Vista. I had a look at the support
statement from MS about VB 6 (
ms788708.aspx), this does not mention msjt3032.dll as being tested at
all. I will appreciate if anyone who is using msjt3032.dll and has
tried to use it on Vista, could let me know their experience with then
new OS.


John Blessing

Ankit said:

I have an application, written in VB 4.2, that uses MS Jet library
version 3.0.x (specifically, msjt3032.dll version 5226) to connect to
the Access database. This application runs fine on Windows XP.
However, when I tried to run this application on Windows Vista, I ran
into issues where I got an "Out of Memory" error. This error comes
when the application tries to connect to the database (using

Could anyone please give me pointers if they have seen a similar
issue? I believe people have been able to run applications using MS
Jet version 3.5.x on Windows Vista. I had a look at the support
statement from MS about VB 6 (
ms788708.aspx), this does not mention msjt3032.dll as being tested at
all. I will appreciate if anyone who is using msjt3032.dll and has
tried to use it on Vista, could let me know their experience with then
new OS.


I have to question, why are you targeting that particular version of Jet?
You should be using the OLEDB provider for Jet and insulating your
application from Jet version changes. If at all possible, try to use
'standard' sql so that you can move to other database engines (e.g. Sql
Server Express) if needed. I know it is too late for an application you
have already written, but my advice is never use those crazy databound
controls that MS supply, which is why, I suspect, you are tied to that
version/release. Late binding is the way to go.

John Blessing - Help Desk software priced to suit all
businesses - Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web. - Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters


I have to question, why are you targeting that particular version of Jet?
You should be using the OLEDB provider for Jet and insulating your
application from Jet version changes. If at all possible, try to use
'standard' sql so that you can move to other database engines (e.g. Sql
Server Express) if needed. I know it is too late for an application you
have already written, but my advice is never use those crazy databound
controls that MS supply, which is why, I suspect, you are tied to that
version/release. Late binding is the way to go.

John Blessing Help Desk software priced to suit all
businesses Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web. Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters

Hi John,

Thanks for your inputs. The problem is that this application has been
in existence for quite a few years now. Moving it to a newer version
would be a significant effort; not that I am averse to putting that
effort - however given the state of things, I want to do it only if
that's the only option left. So was trying to see if I can somehow
still support the application with the older version of MS Jet and,
perhaps, plan for that migration sometime later.


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