Problems Installing Acces



I currently have MS Office Basic Addition 2003 on Laptop. I purchased Access
2003 thinking this would be correct version.

Install stops and says " The product key you entered requires a version of
MS Office 97, 2000 or XP to upgrade". I don't understand what the problem is.
Why would it be asking for an older or newer version than then other MS
office programs (i.e. Excel, Word)?

David F Cox

If you look on the box I think it will say "Upgrade" and somewhere else it
will list qualifying products. It is available as a new user version, but
the price is higher.


So does this mean I purchased the wrong product? How do I get Access
installed with MS Office Basic Addition 2003?

Douglas J. Steele

Assuming David's correct that you purchased an Upgrade edition of Access,
you either need to purchase and install one of the qualifying products
listed on the box, or you need to try & return it and buy a full retail
version of Access.

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