Problems Exporting SP to excel via docmd.outputto




i experience this problem:

I have an SP called Test which expect a date range, so the string to call
the sp is: stSP="EXEC Test '01/01/05','31/12/05'", for example.

I want to export the resultset to excel using:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputStoredProcedure , stSP, acFormatXLS, "c:\prova.xls",

everyting works, but excel tries to use the name of the SP (stSP) as the
name of the worksheet. But a string with the char (') is not a correct name
ad so when I open the report i get errors on the file name.

Is there a way to solve this? Why can't I specify the name for the sheet? If
I can't use SP with parameters, where is the point of giving this feature?

Thank you very much

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