Problems connecting to server



i am new at this so i apologize if i havent provideed
enough info....

I have a windows 2k server that i have set up users for
and the share drive

i have connect to the servers domain, FW.COM, on my client
computer and can access/ping the server from the client.

However, after joining the domain, you must reboot the
client for the changes to take effect, and when the client
reboots, it sits at the "applying computer settings"
screen. The client cannot get past this.

DOes anyone know what causes this issue? Thank you SOOOO

Marina Roos

Have you checked if the clients obtain an IP and DNS from your DNS-server
What OS on the clients? How many nics in the server?



+ boot to Safe mode to by-pass the login process
+ check you Network | DNS configuration, make sure the DNS
server that's holding your domain is the very first one in
the list.
Let me know if this works

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