Problems adding a reference with COM --converting to type .NET assembly failed


Molly J. Fagan


I'm in the process of coverting a VB6 app to VB.NET. My VB6 app is a
help desk program, which scans a mailbox that we have set up for our
help desk. We use Novell Groupwise and in my VB6 app, I added a
reference to the Groupwise type library--no problem. But when I try
to add a reference in .NET, the Groupwise library shows up in the COM
list and when I go to add it, I get an error message saying:

"A reference to GroupWare type library' could not be added.
Converting the type library to a .NET assembly failed. Could not load
type GroupwareTypeLibrary.DocumentType2Class from assembly
Interop.GroupwareTypeLibrary, version"

The reading I've been doing for the better part of a day suggests that
the .dll needs to be registered with the GAC. I tried using
regasm.exe but got a message saying it failed to load because it's not
a valid .NET assembly.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do to be able to get this reference
added. Any help would be appreciated.


Molly J. Fagan
Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality

Joyjit Mukherjee


Try to manually import the type library of the COM component to the .NET
equivalent one by using the Type Library Importer tool, tlbimp.exe. After
that, you can get a reference to it from the Add Reference - > .NET tab.
When you add a reference from the Add Reference -> COM tab, .NET IDE
internally runs this tool to import the type library definitions from
unmanaged code. So, while doing it manually, you'll get a more clearer
picture about the problem. Maybe that helps you.


Molly J. Fagan

Thanks for responding. I cannot find the program tlimp.exe on my
computer--did a search for the file and nothing. Opened up the .NET
command prompt and typed in tlimp and got the "not recognized as an
internal command or batch file."

Apparently this is something extra that I have to install? I have VS

Molly J. Fagan

Okay, my bad I spelled the file wrong. I found it and ran it by
typing in:

tlbimp "c:\novell\groupwise\gwcma1.dll" (that is the location of the
..dll that I want. I got error messages saying that the type library
importer has encountered an interface not derived from IUnknown
IGWDateHelper and IGWTextHelper. Then the same error message at the
end of the first error message I got when I tried doing it through VS.

What am I doing wrong?

Molly J. Fagan
Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality


Make sure you have SP4 for gropwise client from Novell installed. that's
when the novell guys started supporting .NET code.

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