Problem with the Icons - Vista Ultimate




I have a problem in Vista Ultimate, and is not an isolated problem, is
happening in two different machines, with Vista Ultimate.

Sometimes, when I click the links... or the icons, simply dont work. You can
click 100 times, but is the same, dont work.

In the Start menú, for example, the big icons of the programs (you have a
list of the most recent programs used) sometimes, when I click a program dont
work. I click, click, click, click and dont work.

Perhaps you think that the program was uninstalled. No. The program continue
in the PC but simply dont work, when I click some icons.

Then... if I want to run the program, I have to go to the Start Menu... All
programs, go to the folder of the program and click on it, then yes, always
works. But the recent icons created by windows vista, sometimes dont work.

Additionally, I have also a similar problem when I go... Control Pannel,
System... and in the left side (Tasks) I want to administrate hardware... I
cannot click that link, because simply nothing happens, the link is broken,
dont work.

Why is happening this? and what solution it could have?

And I repeat, is not something of "my machine", I have two machines exactly
with the same problem.

I eat vista

this is a vista bug... I have seen it mentioned before

Vista is a low quality product.. the solution is to go back to XP

Jesus jesus.. how did you let Vista happen?

NT Canuck

Jesus said:

I have a problem in Vista Ultimate, and is not an isolated problem, is
happening in two different machines, with Vista Ultimate.

Sometimes, when I click the links... or the icons, simply dont work. You can
click 100 times, but is the same, dont work.

ok, if this is happening shortly after going online
with IE7 then it is a known issue, it seems that some
websites script things that disable mouse clicking to
protect their content and that seems somehow to follow
the mouse back to the desktop (lose right click or more).
For now you could try logging off and then on again or
even use another browser like opera or firefox, if this
is not the issue then perhaps some others will stop by.

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'


Then is a known issue? Well, that is a real problem. Can you tell me if
Microsoft will release a patch to solve this?

What I cannot understand is being a known issue, how Microsoft is not
releasing urgently a patch via Windows Update, because losing the ability to
click on the icons, is very annoying and disturbing.

In fact, I know several shops selling PC with Vista and they are having many
complains about this. In my case, I have the same problem in 2 PCs.

People from Microsoft read this?


NT Canuck

Jesus said:
Then is a known issue? Well, that is a real problem. Can you tell me if
Microsoft will release a patch to solve this?

If you nail it down to specific websites that shortly
afterwards the problem appears (url at least) and send
that into MS via customer experience feedback (?) so
that MS can test/replicate the results...then most
likely a patch or change in IE/settings will be made.

Or even posting a few url here so that others can confirm
whether it is website or Windows settings at fault. As for
what MS does or decides perhaps an MS MVP could help out
but they have to 'see' for themselves the same issue.

All I can do is confirm that it does happen and it makes
practically the whole desktop useless, and that it seems
to be something Firefox handles ok in the meantime.

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'
What I cannot understand is being a known issue, how Microsoft is not
releasing urgently a patch via Windows Update, because losing the ability to
click on the icons, is very annoying and disturbing.

I think MS needs more info and ability to replicate problem.
Just relating an experience isn't enough data to work on.
In fact, I know several shops selling PC with Vista and they are having many
complains about this. In my case, I have the same problem in 2 PCs.

Yeah, I noticed it too but not was not able to nail down
the specific site/page code, maybe you can help.
People from Microsoft read this?

I dunno', sometimes they do, the MS MVP's usually scan most
articles trying to help and they likely will follow up if
enough info is presented. Perhaps a look into history or
browser cache may help, and it may be something the Anti
Virus folks missed or could handle not just MS.

You're welcome.

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'

Bill Yanaire

I eat vista said:
this is a vista bug... I have seen it mentioned before

Vista is a low quality product.. the solution is to go back to XP

You are a low quality disaster. How did they let you out of the jar?
Jesus jesus.. how did you let Vista happen?

Jesus will get you! He has lube and you are his target!


What you say about having a list of the websites visted just before
experiencing the problem... is something impossible to remember.

Because when you buy Vista you think it's a finished product (TESTED) then
you dont expect that this error can happen, so you are not all the time with
a paper, a pencil and all the patience, writting all the websites to
communicate them to Microsoft.

So the thing is we have some icons useless (you click on them, and we dont
have a response) and we have to communicate this to Microsoft in order to
help them to solve the problem.

Now, how can we do this?

Is there any MS MVP to contact?

Is there any way to explain the problem to the Customer Experience Feedback
from Microsoft?


NT Canuck

Jesus said:
What you say about having a list of the websites visted just before
experiencing the problem... is something impossible to remember.

It might be in the browers history,
also perhaps in the ie temp folder (often you get cookies).
That is just my suspicion so far...needs verification.
Because when you buy Vista you think it's a finished product (TESTED) then
you dont expect that this error can happen, so you are not all the time with
a paper, a pencil and all the patience, writting all the websites to
communicate them to Microsoft.

It might not be Vista/IE but something new online or a very
badly coded website..the browser does work but when you
bang into something unexpected it isn't invulnerable.
So the thing is we have some icons useless (you click on them, and we dont
have a response) and we have to communicate this to Microsoft in order to
help them to solve the problem.

Well..they can't solve very many problems unless they
get enough data to reproduce the problem and see for
themselves if it's Vista, IE, some active scripting or
an optional plugin for IE that has nothing todo with MS.
Now, how can we do this?

Have to wait and fish...test your desktop as you go
along the internet, or leave it alone and hope someone
else will trip over a solution.
Is there any MS MVP to contact?

The MS MVP are really like you and I but more experienced
in some areas...they can't help unless they see it happen.
Is there any way to explain the problem to the Customer Experience Feedback
from Microsoft?

I don't know, unless it show up in your admin event log
and then you'd have something to relate.

A more specific group like
hey...I can't tell, ng listing not complete here. lol
something ending with Vista.IE

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'

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